
Federica Masini: A Portrait of the Artist

Federica Masini, an Italian artist with a life stretched across Germany, Spain, and France, creates art that is as vibrant and multifaceted as her...

Amanta Scott: Repairing the World Through Art

Amanta Scott is an artist whose work transcends traditional boundaries, using encaustic paintings, interactive sculptures, and audio/video installations to address pressing contemporary social issues....

Jesse A. Kantu: Sculpting Narratives and Painting Voices

Jesse A. Kantu, an artist based in Houston, Texas, commands a unique presence in the contemporary art scene. A graduate of the University of...

Ava Cosey: The Artist Who Paints Her Tune

Ava Cosey, an American artist and printmaker who graduated from an HBCU in Business, experienced a transformative turn in 1997. That year marked an...

Aurelija Althoffer AURA: Conjuring the Mystical Through Paint

In the world of contemporary art, where the canvas is a gateway to myriad interpretations and emotions, Aurelija Althoffer AURA stands out as a...

Exploring Barbara Krupp: An Odyssey into Abstract Art

In the quiet corners of Elyria, Ohio, where the hum of the industrial Midwest softly fades into the background, Barbara Krupp began her artistic...